Medizin am Hauptbahnhof
Kosmetik und Fusspflege

Carbon laser peeling

Refinement of the complexion

The carbon laser peeling cleanses the skin, reduces pigment spots, redness, inflammation, blackheads, large pores and wrinkles and regulates oily skin. Collagen production is stimulated and natural elastin and hyaluronic acid production is increased. A whole range of possible skin issues can be addressed with one treatment.

Carbon laser peeling was made famous by reality TV and Instagram star Kim Kardashian, among others. She thinks the treatment is great. Carbon laser peeling is also known as Hollywood peeling.

We offer the treatment in our practice at Vienna Central Station with the PicoStar laser. The PicoStar is the most modern laser of its kind currently on the market. With this laser we can offer you a particularly thorough treatment.

The treatment is prepared by specially trained and experienced practice assistants. The laser treatment itself is carried out by one of our dermatologists. That is why you will also find carbon laser peeling under medical services.
Kosmetik am Hauptbahnhof


After disinfecting the surface of the skin, a special carbon mask is applied to the face in a thin layer. The mask penetrates deep into the pores. It binds bacteria on the skin and dead skin cells.

The mask is colored dark gray. It basically works like artificial pigmentation. When the mask has dried completely, the actual treatment can begin.

With our PicoStar Laser, the previously applied mask is heated in the first pass, which means that sebum, skin residue and the carbon contained in the carbon mask combine. In the second pass, the mask is vaporized, resulting in deep cleaning. Finally, a soothing mask is applied.


Questions about carbon laser peeling

Is the treatment with the laser unpleasant?

The treatment is painless. You may feel a tingling sensation, and heat is also generated during the laser treatment. In particularly sensitive areas such as the wings of the nose and under the nose, the treatment can feel unpleasant for a few seconds.

Are there any risks associated with carbon laser peeling

The treatment is carried out by one of our dermatologists and experienced laser therapists. Accordingly, there are no serious risks.

Am I socially acceptable after the treatment?

The carbon laser peeling does not affect your skin that you would not be socially acceptable. The complexion may be slightly red immediately after the treatment. The soothing mask applied afterwards largely alleviates any redness.

How often should I do the treatment?

Depending on the skin type, 2-6 treatments are recommended at intervals of 3-4 weeks. The doctor treating you will give you a recommendation during the first treatment.

Can the treatment also be carried out during sunny periods?

The carbon laser peeling does not affect the skin barrier so much, which is why the treatment can be carried out all year round. In any case, care should be taken to protect the skin with a high sun protection factor.

What do I have to consider after the treatment?

Depending on your sensitivity, we recommend avoiding the sauna and sports for 2-3 days after the treatment. As always, good sun protection is important - and this is especially important after laser treatment. We recommend sun protection factor 50+.




45 min.


EUR 250




(on a scale of 10)


Immediately after the treatment; Collagen stimulation for 6-8 weeks
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